суббота, 23 июня 2012 г.

A minute

Хороша эта женщина в майском закате,
Шелковистые пряди волос в ветерке,
И горенье желанья в цветах, в аромате,
И далекая песня гребца на реке.
Хороша эта дикая вольная воля;
Протянулась рука, прикоснулась рука,
И сковала двоих - на мгновенье, не боле,-
Та минута любви, что продлится века.

How fine is this woman in the May dawn’s attire,
Her a-waving silk tress in the flows of wind,
And the rover’s far song on the river behind.
And in flowers and scent burning passionate fire,
How fine is this freedom in wildness and glory:
There, a warm arm is stretched – there, is touched a warm arm…
And the both are chained – for a minute, no more –
By that minute of love that’ll be endless in Time.
K. Balmont

воскресенье, 3 июня 2012 г.

Sun's Golden Arc

Sun’s golden arc
Hot like a red coal,
Sent down its spark
And it warmed my soul;
Although, I am not sure
Now, I hope that I could
Expect from my future
To bring something good;
The warmth brought me back
To life, the light illuminated me
I forgot the past, all that I lack
And all that is lacking in me.
Warmed by the Light
My blood caught fire,
My soul shined, alight
My spirit was inspired.
I feel restored by the ray,
My heart still beats stronger,
These good feelings are here to stay
Even when the sun shines no longer;
On the trip I am forced to make
Love goes with me from the start.
It banishes anguish, fear and ache
And it gives freedom to my heart.
S. Esenin